Genetic and Integrative Studies of Metabolic Dysfunction Associated Statotic Liver Disease
Metabolic dysfunction associated steatotic liver disease (MASLD) is a spectrum of disease that includes steatosis (fat) steatohepatitis (inflammation around that fat) and fibrosis/cirrhosis (scarring) in the liver. With the rise of obesity MASLD has reached epidemic proprotions affecting on average 30% of individuals in many countries. There are few effective treatments for MASLD presently. We have organize the Genetics of Obesity-Related Liver Disease (GOLD) Consortium in which we found that MASLD is about 25%–30% heritable. We found many SNPs that associate with hepatic steatosis and explain about 20% of the heritability of the trait and have differential effects on related metabolic traits including development of NASH/fibrosis, serum lipid and serum glucose. These studies identify subtypes of disease and are leading the way to precision diagnostics and therapeutics for these conditions. We have also identified environmental factors that multiplicatively interact with these variants and subtypes to cause disease which can be changes to mitigate disease risk.
Genetic and Integrative Studies of Obesity and Anthropometric Traits
Functional Studies of Obesity and MASLD
Genetics of Human Traits in Cohorts and Biobanks